MAS Medical Physics
The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) ETH in Medical Physics is a two year part time program designed for individuals with a MSc or PhD degree.
The MAS ETH in Medical Physics is directed by the D-PHYS and the D-ITET and offered by the Institute for Biomedical Engineering. In the first year of the program, education is focused on fundamental knowledges. In the second year, the students concentrate on specialized topics. The MAS aims at providing a solid foundation in the field of medical physics, such that graduates can quickly and successfully be employed in medical physics related jobs in clinics, industry and research.
Detailed information regarding the MAS in Medical Physics is provided by the MAS Medical Physics website. More general information about continuing education at ETH Zürich can be found on the website of the School for Continuing Education(SCE).
Professur für Röntgenbildgebung
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39

Zentrum für Protonentherapie
WPTA / 140
Villigen PSI