LIMES Taster Day for Schoolgirls
What can you do with a degree in engineering? To find out more about mechanical and electrical engineering more than 60 girls from all over Switzerland participated in the taster day for schoolgirls 2017 of the departments MAVT and ITET on 1 December.
"I like engineering because I can find answers to my questions and solve problems," said Jaël Keller, president of LIMES, at the start of the taster day for schoolgirls. LIMES, as the women's commission of the Akademische Maschinen- und Elektro-Ingenieur Verein (, is responsible for the organization of the event and wants to inspire young women to choose these fields.
After a short introduction, mechanical engineering doctoral student Marina Vita and electrical engineering doctoral student Marie-Francine Lagadec (represented by Jaël Keller due to illness) talked about their experiences and their research. Dennis Kochmann, Professor of Mechanics and Materials, and Maryam Kamgarpour, Professors at the Automatic Control Lab, gave further insights into the areas of application for both mechanical and electrical engineering.