This AI will probably beat you in an IQ test

In a joint publication by the team of Prof. Luca Benini at the Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) and IBM Research Zürich in "Nature Machine Intelligence", the researchers report on the construction of a neuro-vector-symbolic AI model capable of solving Raven’s matrices with an 88% success rate.

by Katja Abrahams-Lehner

If you’ve ever taken an IQ test, you have likely come across Raven’s progressive matrices. Frequently used to measure nonverbal cognitive abilities, the test features an arrangement of several images in a matrix of rows and columns. The test taker is asked to select the right image to complete the matrix out of a set of possible answers. British psychologist John C. Raven, who came up with these puzzles in the 1930s, likely never imagined that machines would be trying to solve them almost a century later. But that's just what researchers at IBM Research and IIS did. It is also worth noting that this method can be implemented on extremely energy efficient hardware.

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