Simplified admission to the teaching diploma studies in physics

Students and alumnae of D‑ITET can now enter the study programme for the teaching diploma for Matura schools in physics without further requirements. In case of studies with a focus on electrical engineering or physics, no additional courses must be attended for the admission.

by Katja Abrahams-Lehner
Lehrperson vor Wandtafel

The study programme for the teaching diploma for Matura schools in physics is aimed at people who – during or after their training at D-ITET – would like to acquire didactic training for teaching physics courses at Matura schools.

For interested people with a Master's degree in electrical engineering and information technology, there is now a catalogue with the technical prerequisites. In case of studies with a focus on electrical engineering or physics, the admission should be possible without further requirements. In case of an alternative focus, the requirements are now clearly defined.

Therefore, the teaching diploma can now be completed more easily in parallel with a Master's programme, while studying for a doctorate, or on the job.

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