Patch-IT: Selected among the best 100 projects as part of the Prototype for Humanity Initiative
Patch-IT, multi-sensor sensor nodes for continuous vital sign monitoring for sepsis detection in neonatal intensive care, has been selected among the best 100 projects as part of the Prototype for Humanity Initiative. The initiative aims to foster partnerships among sectors, institutions, and individuals, all working toward a better world where innovation is at the heart of comprehensive, sustainable development.

The successful team consists of Dr. Kanika Dheman, Basel Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH) Postdoctoral Excellence Programme fellow, and Dr. Michele Magno, BRCCH-funded Principal Investigator and Head of D-ITET's Center for Project-Based Learning (PBL). Patch-IT was showcased together with the 100 best projects from over 2700 entries alongside the Dubai Future Forum from 18-21 November.
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