Best Paper Award for Banyan

The DISCO group’s "Banyan: Fast Rotating Leader BFT" has won the Best Paper Award at Middleware 2024. The paper demonstrates how to reduce the latency of modern blockchain protocols.

by Stefanie Paul-Cavallier
Enlarged view: Banyan
From left to right: Prof. Zhi Jin (Program Committee Co-Chair), Yann Vonlanthen, Prof. Valerio Schiavoni (Program Committee Co-Chair), and Prof. Jiannong Cao (General Chair)

When it comes to online services, latency is a critical aspect of the user experience. While centralized applications — such as Mastercard, Visa, and Twint — provide services that feel nearly instantaneous, their decentralized counterparts often involve noticeable delays, which can sometimes amount to minutes or even hours (as is the case with Bitcoin).

Banyan [*] addresses this challenge by introducing a fast path that allows blockchain blocks to be committed in just two message delays. This can help reduce latency commonly associated with modern blockchain protocols.


[*] Yann Vonlanthen, Massimo Albarello, Jakub Sliwinski, and Roger Wattenhofer: "Banyan: Fast Rotating Leader BFT"
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