A big thank you to all who participated! Here you can find the complete gallery of all submission including winners!

At D-ITET, a lot of brilliant research is conducted. We are proud of our researchers and we want them and their work to get the recognition they deserve. We would like to provide the public with an inside view into our labs and share the creativity, determination and passion of the people behind many groundbreaking projects. That’s why the department has decided to launch the D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2016!
All researchers at D-ITET are invited to give insights into their completed or ongoing research, having in mind a non-specialist audience. The most enlightening, fascinating and creative submission wins the D-ITET Research Photo Award 2016. Show your research and share your passion!
For the D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2016, completed research as well as ongoing projects are
accepted. All researchers at D-ITET may participate and enter a photo and the completed submission form.
- You may enter a photo that conveys how research is carried out and provides an insight into the methods,
techniques and facilities used and you may also show the people and personalities behind the research. - You may also enter a photo that depicts the research topic in a more abstract way rather than showing
the research as it happens.
Photos and forms can only be submitted electronically through the above process, entries by e-mail will not be accepted. Entries should offer excellent print quality when reproduced in A3 size in order to be entered into the competition. A maximum of three entries can be submitted per person. You will need to complete the submission form separately for each entry.
Imagine explaining your research and its benefit to a non-specialist audience e.g. to a high school student
interested in enrolling at ETH. Please avoid scientific jargon. Title and text will be judged on the basis how
well the “research story” is told and photo and text complement each other – so it’s the whole “package”
that counts!
- Interesting title for the photo
- Summary: Approximately 150 words describing the image, any noteworthy photographic details, what
the research portrayed is about and the application of the research – how does it contribute to everyday
life and knowledge? - What is your personal motivation with your research, what makes it fascinating for you personally?
(3 to 5 sentences) - What are/were your biggest challenges and what is/was the biggest highlight in your project?
(3 to 5 sentences) - What makes your project interesting and relevant for other people and in what way will the results
of your research change the world/our lives? (3 to 5 sentences)
A jury from the Department Management will select five winning projects in July 2016. Winners will be notified
and prizes awarded. Winning and shortlisted images will be presented in different media such as the D-ITET
website, brochures, etc. All entered projects will be displayed in an exhibition at the D-ITET foyer.
Prize money in CHF
1st: 700.– / 2nd: 500.– / 3rd: 300.– / 4th & 5th: 150.–
All participants will receive the limited D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2016 T-shirt.
Images must relate to research within or strongly associated with D-ITET. All images submitted should be the work of the individual
submitting them. Each entrant is responsible for ensuring that the image they submit has been taken with permission of the
subject and does not infringe the copyright of any 3rd party or any laws. By submitting an image to the competition the owner allows
it to be used without charge in publicity associated with D-ITET. For example, this includes printing it as a poster to display within
ETH Zurich and publication in ETH literature and websites etc. No responsibility can be accepted for lost entries. Submitted images
should not have previously won another photographic competition.