Students in the first year of their doctorate at ETH Zurich are warmly invited to participate in the Introductory programme for new doctoral students, which consists of several events, workshops and seminars.
The introductory programme offers a great opportunity to get useful information and build up a network of contacts within ETH Zurich!
Doctoral studies mean catching up with the forefront of research and pushing it further. Doctoral (PhD) students at D-ITET are individually supervised by a professor. Doctoral studies should take about 4 years (beyond the master degree) and must result in a thesis with a definite scientific contribution to research on an international level. A small number of graduate courses (12 ECTS credits) is also mandatory. A doctoral plan (approved by the supervising professor) must be submitted no later than 12 months after the beginning of the doctoral studies.
Research and teaching
Doctoral students at D-ITET generally hold paid positions with one of the research laboratories of the department. In addition to working on their own research project, most doctoral students are also teaching assistants and supervise student projects in the bachelor and master programs.
Further details on the doctorate at D-ITET can be found in the Download presentation of the welcome event for new doctoral students (PDF, 3.3 MB).
How to apply
Applications for a PhD position should be sent directly to the individual professors. Applicants must have a master degree from a well reputed university. Admission may be conditional on passing one or two courses at ETH.
General information about the doctorate at ETH Zurich.
Information about professors, laboratories and research areas.
Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik
ETZ H 85
Gloriastrasse 35
Links & Downloads
- chevron_right Upcoming meetings of the doctoral committee
- chevron_right Code of Conduct
- chevron_right Respect campaign
- chevron_right Academic Calendar ETH
- external page call_made Career Center
- chevron_right Course catalogue
- chevron_right Doctoral administration office
- chevron_right Doctoral studies at ETH
- chevron_right myStudies
- chevron_right Welcome Center