Management and Coordination
Head of Department
Prof. Juerg Leuthold
The Head of the Department leads the departmental institutions and represents D-ITET internally and externally.
Email: leuthold(at)
Tel: +41 44 633 80 10
Deputy Head of Department
Prof. Gabriela Hug
The Deputy Head works with the Head and is his official representative.
Tel: +41 44 633 81 91
Director of Studies
Prof. Christian Franck
The Director of Studies is responsible for implementing the course programmes and examination regulations. He heads the Grading Conferences and the Teaching Commission.
Email: franck(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 47 62
Delegate for Communication and PR
Prof. Mathieu Luisier
Email: mluisier(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 42 68
Further functions
Delegate for Infrastructure
Prof. Gabriela Hug
Email: hug(at)
Tel: +41 44 633 81 91
Delegate for IT Services Group (ISG) D-ITET
Prof. Ender Konukoglu
Email: kender(at)
Tel: +41 44 633 88 16
Department Coordination and Controlling
Please visit us at the ETZ H floor, if you need support or if there are questions about our department.
Departmental coordination
Peter Sägesser (ETZ H 82), Deputy Ursula Durrer (ETZ H 82)
Email: departementskoordination(at)
They are responsible for the operational management of the Department on behalf of the Head and the Department Management. The area of activity includes all administrative tasks and processes, financial and spatial planning, the professors' and departmental conferences and representation in committees and working groups.
Email: psaegesser(at), Tel: +41 44 632 50 02
Email: ursula.durrer(at), Tel: +41 44 633 83 89
Study Coordination, Administration and Teaching
Coordinator of studies / study advisor
Reto Kreuzer (ETZ H 83)
He manages various matters concerning our students, particularly student exchanges, student advice, course overview and regulations. He also assists the Teaching Commission.
Email: reto.kreuzer(at), Tel: +41 44 632 08 15
Study coordination and scheduling
Audrey Djouadi (ETZ H 87)
She assists the coordinator of studies in his tasks and coordinates class schedules and teaching assignments. She is also the mobility advisor at D-ITET.
Email: audrey.djouadi(at), Tel: +41 44 632 89 57
Student administration
Andrea Salow and Tali Scheiner (ETZ H 85)
Andrea Salow and Tali Scheiner are responsible for all study-related administrative questions and concerns in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.
Email: info(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 50 03 / +41 44 632 53 18
Doctoral administration (Mon, Wed, Thu)
Yasemin Tomaschett (ETZ H 87)
She is in charge of doctoral administration and supports class scheduling.
Email: doktorat(at) or yasemin.tomaschett(at),
Tel: +41 44 632 33 36
Educational developer
Dr. Ueli Koch (ETZ H 86)
He is the contact person in the department for topics in the area of teaching. He provides support to lecturers and coordinates developments within degree programmes in cooperation with the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL).
Email: uelikoch(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 52 01
Department Communication and PR
Please visit us in ETZ H 84, if you have any questions or need support in communicational matters. For general inquiries, please write to pr(at)
Stefanie Paul-Cavallier
Stefanie Paul-Cavallier heads the communications team and is, in collaboration with the department management, responsible for the strategic orientation, planning and implementation of all communication measures.
Email: stefanie.paul-cavallier(at), Tel: + 41 44 632 86 32
Tabea Schneider
As a design expert, Tabea Schneider is the contact person for visual communication (e.g. print and digital media, social media). She supervises photo shoots and the planning and implementation of video marketing.
Email: tabea.schneider(at), Tel: +41 44 632 78 34
Department Human Resources
Adrian Anner (ETZ H 86)
Adrian Anner provides support for scientists, employees and professors in all personnel management matters. He is contact person in employment law matters, in accordance with the framework of legal requirements. His tasks include advice in staff recruitment, payment, retention, conflicts, development, separation and coaching.
Email: adrian.anner(at), Tel: +41 44 633 26 46
Upcoming meetings Doctoral Committee
For upcoming Doctoral Comittee meetings: Doctoral Committee
Any requests should be sent to no later than 2 days before the meeting.
Please expect feedback within 2 weeks.
Further information: Academic Calendar