D.A.CH Workshop for High Voltage Technology

Interesting exchange between the High Voltage Laboratories of TU Darmstadt, TU Graz and ETH Zurich at the first D.A.CH research workshop at D-ITET.
Master Ceremony 2015

On Friday, 19 June, the Master Ceremony 2015 took place at the Audi Max with more than 300 people who came to celebrate the 115 D-ITET graduates.
Construction works around D-ITET: Info website online

The info site on the construction works around D-ITET is online. The site contains current news and updates on the construction progress.
Simon Müller received Zuger Wissenschaftspreis

Simon Müller in the group of Prof. Vanessa Wood (lne.ee.ethz.ch) at D-ITET received the Zuger Wissenschaftspreis.
TIK celebrates 25th anniversary

The Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK) celebrated its 25th anniversary last week. Over 170 guests joined the host Prof. Bernhard Plattner and co-founder Prof. Albert Kündig. Unfortunately, Prof. Kündig was not present at the event.
ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Jürg Leuthold

Prof. Jürg Leuthold of the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields has been selected for an ERC Advanced Grant.
New at D-ITET: Prof. Gabriela Hug

Since 1 June 2015, Gabriela Hug is Associate Professor of Electric Power Systems.
IBI info event: Construction works around D-ITET

Due to the new building GLC replacing the old VAW building, there will be construction works around D-ITET in the near future. The IBI (Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management) was invited by D-ITET last week to provide insights into the construction planning.