IfA Autonomous Sailing Team: Winner of the WRSC 2015

The IfA Autonomous Sailing Team and their Aeolus are the winners of the World Robotic Sailing Competition 2015, which took place on Åland Islands, Finland, from 1 to 4 September.

by Stefanie Pfennigbauer
Enlarged view: AEOLUS team
The IfA Autonomous Sailing Team and their Aeolus are the winners of the World Robotic Sailing Competition 2015.

The team scored best among all teams and in all tasks (station keeping, area scanning, triangular course, fleet race).

Details (tracking replays, scores and more) of the competition are available at external page www.wrsc2015.com.

Additional information on the championship and the project can be found Download here (PDF, 1.3 MB).

Pictures of the event were published on external page WRSC2015 on Facebook.


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