New at D-ITET: Prof. Benjamin F. Grewe
Since 1 October 2016, Benjamin F. Grewe is Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Systems and Circuits Neuroinformatics.

Trained in physics, neurobiology and neuroinformatics Benjamin Grewe aims to investigate the underpinnings of neural information processing in large neuronal networks. To establish a new angle on this topic, he combines cutting edge calcium imaging technologies that allow recording from hundreds of individual neurons with advanced data analysis methods inspired by machine learning. This unique combination will provide unprecedented insights into the principles of neural coding and more importantly paves the way to establish an analytical understanding of information processing dynamics in deep multilayer networks of spiking neurons. With the new appointment of Benjamin Grewe ETH Zurich is gaining a promising researcher while strengthening the thriving fields of neuroinformatics as well as systems and computational neuroscience.
Welcome at D-ITET!