Dr. Martin Ebner receives special prize for applied research by Volkswagen and BASF

On the occasion of the 5th ceremony of the “Science Award Electrochemistry 2016” , a special prize for applied research goes to Dr. Martin Ebner, LNE, for excellent research in the area of fast charging of lithium-ion batteries.

by Stefanie Pfennigbauer
Dr. Martin Ebner
from left: Dr. Ulrich Eichhorn (Volkswagen), Dr. William Chueh (Science Award Winner), Dr. Martin Ebner, Dr. Martin Brudermüller (BASF).

Martin Ebner is developing innovative battery anodes that allow fast charging and reduce degradation problems in the battery. In summer 2015, he received funding of the ETH Pioneer Fellowship program and founded the start-up Battrion AG in Luzern. The special prize for applied research is worth 15.000 EUR.


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