Christmas Apéro 2018

At the D-ITET Christmas apéro on 12 December, hundreds of D-ITET employees celebrated the upcoming festive season and took the chance to exchange with the Department Management but also with friends and colleagues.
Vanessa Wood appointed Full Professor

Prof. Vanessa Wood, currently Associate Professor at D-ITET, was appointed as Full Professor of Materials and Device Engineering at the ETH board meeting on 13 December 2018.
Title of Professor awarded to Dr. Tomaso Zambelli

The ETH Board awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich to Dr. Tomaso Zambelli, currently Senior Lecturer at D-ITET.
Outstanding Doctoral theses 2018

D-ITET is happy to announce this year's list of outstanding doctoral theses. The seven medals will be awarded to their recipients at the doctoral awards ceremony.
Enthusiasm for engineering

What opportunities does an engineering degree offer? To find out more about mechanical and electrical engineering, 80 girls from all over Switzerland participated in this year's taster day for schoolgirls.
Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Mehmet Fatih Yanik, head of the Neurotechnology Group at D-ITET, has received an ERC Consolidator Grant. His ERC project is about understanding and correcting brain activity patterns using minimally invasive brain machine interfaces and precise drug delivery technologies.
D-ITET professors among principal investigators of Hochschulmedizin Zurich Flagship Project

Orcun Goksel and Ender Konukoglu from the Computer Vision Laboratory are in the winning consortium of the Hochschulmedizin Zurich Flagship Project 2018, announced this week. The inter-institutional Flagship Project "SURGENT" (Surgeon Enhancing Technologies) provides surgeons with additional information, e.g. through mixed-reality glasses.
ABB Research Award 2018 to Patrick Pietsch

Patrick Pietsch of the Materials and Device Engineering Group of Prof. Vanessa Wood wins the 2018 ABB research award 2018 for his dissertation on lithium ion batteries. His research uses X-ray images to quantify and improve the nanostructural processes of batteries.