Outstanding Doctoral theses 2018
D-ITET is happy to announce this year's list of outstanding doctoral theses. The seven medals will be awarded to their recipients at the doctoral awards ceremony.
Below a complete list including the names, supervisors and titles:
- Fu Fan (Prof. Dr. Ayodhya Nath Tiwari): Efficient and stable NIR-transparent perovskite solar cells for thin-film tandem photovoltaics
- Haffner Christian (Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold): Non-Resonant and Resonant Surface Plasmon Polariton Modulators for Optical Communications
- Ritter Andreas (Prof. Dr. Christian Franck): Disconnector Switching in HVAC and Future HVDC GIS
- Sant Saurabh (Prof. Dr. Andreas Schenk): Role of Non-idealities in III-V/Si and All III-V Tunnel Field Effect Transistors
- Schuck Marcel (Prof. Dr. Johann Kolar): A 40,000,000 RPM Magnetically Levitated Spinning Ball Motor
- Sutter Tobias (Prof. Dr. John Lygeros): Convex programming in optimal control and information theory
- Wiatowski Thomas (Prof. Dr. Helmut Bölcskei): Harmonic Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks