Prof. André Jaecklin inducted into the IEEE Hall of Fame

André Jaecklin, retired Adjunct Professor at D-ITET, was inducted into the IEEE Hall of Fame at the 30th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) in Chicago.
Sebastian Kozerke named Fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Prof. Sebastian Kozerke was named Fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in April 2018.
Best Poster Award for IIS group team in Dublin

Philipp Mayer and Michele Magno of the Integrated Systems Laboratory Digital Group of Prof. Luca Benini received the best poster award at The 5th Workshop in Devices, Materials and Structures for Energy Harvesting and Storage from the Institute of Physics (IoP).
SOLA run: Ranking 70 for the High Voltage ALUMNI & Friends Team!

The team High Voltage ALUMNI & Friends reached rank 70 among 1050 teams at the SOLA run 2018 on 5 May 2018.