Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Mehmet Fatih Yanik, head of the Neurotechnology Group at D-ITET, has received an ERC Consolidator Grant. His ERC project is about understanding and correcting brain activity patterns using minimally invasive brain machine interfaces and precise drug delivery technologies.
D-ITET professors among principal investigators of Hochschulmedizin Zurich Flagship Project

Orcun Goksel and Ender Konukoglu from the Computer Vision Laboratory are in the winning consortium of the Hochschulmedizin Zurich Flagship Project 2018, announced this week. The inter-institutional Flagship Project "SURGENT" (Surgeon Enhancing Technologies) provides surgeons with additional information, e.g. through mixed-reality glasses.
ABB Research Award 2018 to Patrick Pietsch

Patrick Pietsch of the Materials and Device Engineering Group of Prof. Vanessa Wood wins the 2018 ABB research award 2018 for his dissertation on lithium ion batteries. His research uses X-ray images to quantify and improve the nanostructural processes of batteries.
D-ITET Spin-off Seervision wins Swiss Technology Award 2018

Seervision is a Spin-off from the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA) at ETH Zurich. The high-tech company, co-founded by IfA member Nikos Kariotoglou, develops automation robots and software for professional event video productions.
New Study Programme at D-ITET: Master of Science in Quantum Engineering

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at ETH Zurich launches its new study programme “Master of Science in Quantum Engineering” in fall 2019. With this programme, the department responds to the growing demand of quantum engineers with both a solid training in electrical engineering and quantum science.
Prof. Christian Franck receives Golden Owl 2018

For the second time after 2015, Prof. Christian Franck has received the teaching award Golden Owl for D-ITET, awarded each year by VSETH.
ICCAD 2018 Award

Igor Loi (Universita' di Bologna), Subhasish Mitra (Stanford University), Thomas H. Lee (Stanford University), Shinobu Fujita (Toshiba) and Luca Benini (ETH Zurich) received the ICCAD Ten Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award for their paper titled "A Low-Overhead Fault Tolerance Scheme for TSV-Based 3D Network on Chip" that was presented at the ICCAD 2008 Conference.
Best Demo Award

A team of researchers – Francesco Fraternali (University of California, San Diego), Bharathan Balaji (University of California, Los Angeles), Yuvraj Agarwal (Carnegie Mellon University), Luca Benini (University of Bologna, ETH Zurich), Rajesh K. Gupta (University of California, San Diego) – won the Best Demo Award at the 5th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys 2018).