Terahertz Waves Go Nano

In a joint collaboration Juerg Leuthold (D-ITET) and Jerome Faist (D-PHYS), together with Larry Dalton from the University of Washington, Department of Chemistry, Seattle, USA, show a terahertz detector on a silicon chip in Nature Communications. The two lead authors of the paper, Yannick Salamin (D-ITET) and Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus (D-PHYS) see in this demonstration an enormous potential for future ultrasensitive broadband spectroscopy and telecommunication.
Prof. Gaby Hug receives ALEA Award for exemplary leadership

Prof. Gabriela Hug, head of the Power Systems Laboratory at D-ITET, has received the ETH Zurich ALEA Award. The prize honours leaders who enable advanced and innovative working conditions and who promote and support actively the reconciliation of work, family and avocational engagement.
Integrated Systems Laboratory presents zero power touch receiver at Swiss Innovation Forum

Dr. Michele Magno and doctoral students of the Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS) have been selected by "ETH transfer", ETH’s technology transfer office, to present their zero power receiver for touch communication and sensing during the Swiss Innovation forum in Basel.
Professor Christoph Studer appointed as Associate Professor

Professor Christoph Studer, currently Associate Professor at Cornell University, New York, USA, has been appointed as Associate Professor of Integrated Information Processing. He will take up his role as per June 2020 within the Integrated Systems Laboratory (IIS).
Maksym Yarema appointed as Assistant Professor

Maksym Yarema, currently a post-doctoral student at ETH Zurich and Empa, has been appointed as Assistant Professor of Nanoscale Memory Devices.
Professor Laurent Vanbever appointed as Associate Professor

Professor Laurent Vanbever, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, has been appointed as Associate Professor of Networked Systems by the ETH board.
Professor Jürgen Biela appointed as Full Professor

Prof. Jürgen Biela, currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, has been appointed as Full Professor of High Power Electronics by the ETH Board.
Hackathon on Permafrost attracts more than 80 participants

The mountains are changing: permafrost is receding, rockslides can be the result. Over many years, Jan Beutel and Matthias Meyer from the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory (TIK) have collected a series of images and data that is unique in the world. They invited students and researchers to analyse them in a hackathon which took place in the CAB building over the week-end of November 28-30. It attracted around 85 students and staff members from various ETH departments.