PD Dr. Shih-Chii Liu receives Misha Mahowald Prize for Neuromorphic Engineering

PD Dr. Shih-Chii Liu from the Institute of Neuroinformatics (ETH Zurich and University of Zurich) has been awarded the 2020 Misha Mahowald Prize for Neuromorphic Engineering. She and her team, consisting of doctoral students from both UZH and ETH Zurich, received the prize for their pioneering “Dynamic Audio Sensor, DAS” that emulates processing principles found in the biological hearing sensors.
"We measure where no one has measured before"

Lukas Novotny, Professor for Photonics, explains in the interview how he wants to bring quantum mechanics into our macroscopic world with his research.
First-semester students build DC motors

At the end of the lecture "Networks and Circuits I" given by Prof. Christian Franck, the first-semester students had the opportunity to build a simple DC motor. They used the magnetic force on current-carrying conductors, which they had learned about in the lecture. The best projects were measured on 15 December and then awarded prizes during the last lecture of the semester.
Rowhammer attack strategy TRRespass wins Pwnie award

Last week at the annual BlackHat Europe conference, the rowhammer attack strategy TRRespass won the Pwnie award in the most innovative research category. TRRespass was a result of a fruitful collaboration between Prof. Kaveh Razavi, Prof. Onur Mutlu and researchers in the Netherlands. Pwnies are the most prestigious industrial awards in the security community.
Welcome to D-ITET, Prof. Fisher Yu!

Fisher Yu, a former post-doctoral student at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, has joined our Department as of December 2020 as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Vision.
Prof. Onur Mutlu wins IEEE Computer Society 2020 Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award

Prof. Onur Mutlu, Fellow of ACM and IEEE, has been selected to receive the IEEE Computer Society 2020 Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award, "for innovative and impactful contributions to computer memory systems."
Minesh Patel receives Best Paper Award

Minesh Patel, a doctoral student in Onur Mutlu’s SAFARI group, received a Best Paper Award at the 53rd International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO).
Luca Benini receives A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation

Prof. Luca Benini has received the A. Richard Newton Technical Impact Award in Electronic Design Automation. The award honors a person or persons for an outstanding technical contribution within the scope of electronic design automation, as evidenced by a paper published at least ten years before the presentation of the award.