Michele Magno head of new Centre for Projects in Education and Teaching

This month Dr. Michele Magno, D-ITET lecturer and until now employed at the Microelectronics Design Center, has started his position as Head of the Centre for Projects in Education and Teaching. The aim of the newly created centre is to support and enhance project-based learning activities at a departmental level. It will offer larger and interdisciplinary projects for students on all levels of their studies. An interview with Michele about his goals and tasks in the next months.
"Our goal is to develop safe autonomous cars"

In our interview, Prof. Luc Van Gool, head of the Computer Vision Lab (CVL), explains how it has become much easier for a machine to recognize the content of an image in the last decade and how autonomous driving might be pushed forward over the next years.
Postdoctoral researcher Marcel Schuck develops "magic" robot hand

The gripping of small and fragile objects is a big challenge across various industries. Marcel Schuck, ETH Pioneer Fellow and postdoctoral researcher at the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory (PES) presents No-Touch Robotics, an almost magic solution.