Event "Master your Master!" attracted big audience

For the first time, the departments D-ARCH, D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT and D-MTEC have joined forces to create "Master your Master!", an event aiming to help Bachelor’s students in choosing the interdisciplinary Master’s programme that suits them best. On an info market, programme coordinators and professors offered students lots of details on study content and perspectives. Speakers of each department presented the study programmes with time for Q&A afterwards.
"We are focused on making the 'All Electric Society' a reality"

In our interview, Prof. Johann Kolar, Power Electronic Systems Laboratory (PES), talks about the future-oriented research projects of his group, the breathtaking speed at which new concepts are developed today and his regret that the day has only 24 hours.
Prof. Benjamin Grewe selected as Leshner Fellow

Prof. Benjaman Grewe of the Institute of Neuroinformatics has been selected as Leshner Fellow in the area of artificial intelligence by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Lecture series: The role of power electronics and drive systems in modern society

End of January the lecture series "The role of power electronics and drive systems in the modern all-electric and all-digital society" took place at D-ITET. At the three events speakers from various backgrounds gave insights into latest developments in the field.
Poster Award for Elaheh Zare-Eelanjegh

Elaheh Zare-Eelanjegh, doctoral student at the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, has won the best poster award at the 22nd International Conference on Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology & Nanoscience.