IIS and PBL develop sensor nodes for natural hazard modeling of the Alps
In a collaboration with the Swiss Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) a team around Michele Magno from the Center for Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Prof. Luca Benini from the Institute for Integrated Systems (IIS) develops sensor nodes for the project Rapid Mass Movement Simulation (RAMMS).

The project involved the doctoral student Philipp Mayer (IIS) and several undergraduate students working on their group/semester/master projects to support the design, development, and experimental evaluation. The collaboration with SLF in the development of wireless intelligent sensors for rockfall and avalanche monitoring will be continued during the next years.
With the RAMMS software, natural hazard processes in the alps, such as avalanches and rockfall can be calculated and the influence of protective measures can be assessed. The sensors are inserted into giant stones and measure the acceleration and rotation of the stone. The researchers thus hope to be able to recognize factors and patterns that help to predict avalanches and rockfalls.
More information:
external page https://twitter.com/SLFDavos_RAMMS
external page Terra X: Die Alpen - Nichts ist für die Ewigkeit
From minute 36:40 (German TV channel ZDF)