Gregor Dumphart received IEEE WCNC Best Paper Award

Gregor Dumphart, Johannes Sager and Armin Wittneben of the Wireless Communications Group received the Best Paper Award for Track 1 “Physical Layer and Communication Theory” at this year's IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference taking place in Austin, Texas.
Unveiling bulk and surface radiation forces in a dielectric liquid

An international group of researchers, among which Prof. Daniel Razansky, has measured how much a laser beam tugs on the water it shines through. Their findings, titled "Unveiling bulk and surface radiation forces in a dielectric liquid", have been published in Light: Science & Applications.
Rüdiger Birkner wins EuroSys Roger Needham PhD Award

Rüdiger Birkner, former doctoral student at the Networked Systems Group (NSG), led by Prof. Laurent Vanbever, just won the EuroSys Roger Needham PhD Award for his PhD thesis "Improving Network Understanding".