Patrick Jattke receives Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Europe award

Patrick Jattke, a doctoral student in the Computer Security Group, led by Prof. Kaveh Razavi, has been awarded the prestigious Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Europe award. Patrick has been selected for his proposal "Rowhammer Meets AI: Leveraging Deep Learning for Building a General Rowhammer Testing Methodology".

by Katja Abrahams-Lehner
Enlarged view: Patrick Jattke receiving the Qualcomm award
Patrick Jattke receiving the Qualcomm award in Amsterdam, NL.

Patrick’s proposal searches for a new methodology to find Rowhammer bit flips. Rowhammer is a hardware bug in modern memory and has been a concern for the semiconductor industry for almost a decade now. Details of existing solutions are often not disclosed, making it hard to assess their security guarantees. Patrick proposes to combine two state-of-the-art Rowhammer analysis techniques to automatically discover weaknesses in new devices.


external page Qualcomm press note

Computer Security Group (COMSEC)

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