"Diversity helps to keep people excited and open-minded"

Prof. Giacomo Indiveri is Associate Professor in the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI) at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. In our interview he talks about his research area Neuromorphic Cognitive Systems which enables electronic circuits to reproduce the dynamics and properties of biological circuits. He also explains how diversity benefits his group.
From a PBL Flagship project to a best paper award

A low power in-ear vital parameter monitoring system by Philipp Schilk, Kanika Dheman, and Michele Magno from the Center for Project-based Learning won the best paper award at the tenth "International Workshop on e-Health Pervasive Wireless Applications and Services 2022 (e-HPWAS'22).
School class at ETH Zurich: Experiencing research at a young age

How does an MRI scanner work and what is possible with mini-drones? The school class of the Kantonsschule Baden got to the bottom of these questions and experienced the study programme Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at first hand.
Best Paper Award at MICRO’22

Rahul Bera, doctoral student in the SAFARI Research Group, won the Best Paper Award together with co-authors for their work “Hermes: Accelerating Long-Latency Load Requests via Perceptron-Based Off-Chip Load Prediction” at the MICRO’22.
Nako Nakatsuka: Shape-shifting DNA and its importance for the human brain

The senior scientist at the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectrics, Nako Nakatsuka has recently developed tiny nanosensors that are built out of DNA. These nanosensors are of great use for a better understanding of neurodegenerative diseases and for treating conditions such as depression and dementia. Thanks to Nakatsuka's research, it is easier to detect chemical changes in the brain and the body.
Blood testing at home, developed by D-ITET spin-off Hemetron

Many patients with chronic diseases benefit from regular blood tests, for example to adjust medication. CEO and co-founder Alexander Tanno explains how the D-ITET spin-off Hemetron has developed novel and affordable tests that are simple enough to use at home.
IEEE Swiss Women in WiCAS-ED Symposium

Members of D-ITET participated in the IEEE Swiss Women in WICAS-ED Symposium on 9 September 2022, organised by the IEEE Swiss Circuits and Systems & Electron Devices (CAS & ED) Chapter.