PBL: champions of the F1tenth autonomous racing competition at ICRA2023

We are more than happy to announce that the students and staff from the Center for Project-Based Learning D-ITET (PBL) won the F1tenth autonomous racing competition that was held at ICRA2023 in London. We congratulate them for their dedication, expertise, and spirit.

PBL at ICRA2023
Top-row from left to right: Tian Yi Lim, Michael Lötscher, Thomas Filippo Tavares Marinho, Jonathan Becker, Jonas Kühne, Nicolas Baumann. Bottom-row from left to right: Edoardo Ghignone, Niklas Bastuck, Luca Tognoni, Tobias Kränzlin, Michele Magno. Congratulations!

F1TENTH is a global community consisting of researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts of autonomous systems. Initially established in 2016 at the University of Pennsylvania, it has now expanded its presence to numerous institutions across the globe. The community's objective is to cultivate curiosity, enthusiasm, and analytical thinking regarding the rapidly growing field of autonomous systems.

The Center for Project-Based Learning also thanks the Future Learning Initiative. "This remarkable achievement is a testament to the dedication, expertise in sensors, embedded systems, embedded processing and control, and the collaborative spirit of our team at ETH Zürich," says Michele Magno, head of the Center for Project-Based Learning at D-ITET.

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