Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars

The category of "Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars" includes courses and laboratory sessions in various formats for the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills. In addition, these classes encourage independent experimentation and design, allow for explorative learning and teach the methodology of project work.
Students must obtain at least 15 ECTS in this category by freely combining courses from the various areas. However, we recommend acquiring approx. 6 ECTS from this category in the second year of study.
For detailed provisions, see the Download Guidelines for "Elective courses" and "Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars" category of the Bachelor's Degree Programme (PDF, 152 KB).
"Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars" includes the following categories in particular:
The individual experiments conducted in the general laboratory usually take one afternoon. Several of the D-ITET’s institutes offer such experiments. Some of these experiments may already be carried out in the second year of study.
One such afternoon usually corresponds to a quarter of a credit point ECTS. Registration is only possible for larger units, namely "227-0095-10L General Laboratory I" " (8 afternoons / 2 ECTS) and "227-0096-10L General Laboratory II" (16 afternoons / 4 ECTS). This means that the maximum number of credit points in this area is limited to 6 ECTS.
- To access the offer and to enroll, log in to the FP-Tool (with your n.ethz account): Login fpapp.
- An overview of the feedback on the internships is available on the intranet.
Courses in the area of P&S usually comprise several afternoons or extend over an entire semester. Some of these courses can be completed in the second year of study.
Most of these offers are aimed exclusively at students of the BSc in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ("P&S only for BSc EEIT"), but some offers in the “Projects & Seminars” area are also open to other study levels or degree programs ("P&S for all").
We recommend completing about 10 ECTS credits from the “Projects and Seminars” area in total.
To access the P&S offer for the BSc EEIT only, log in to the P&S tool (with your n.ethz account): Login psapp.
- Please only register in myStudies for the course units (waiting list) for which you are applying; definitive enrollment takes place after allocation via the P&S tool.
- Please note that the P&S tool is only accessible two weeks before the start of each semes-ter and is deactivated again during the course of the semester.
A group project usually comprises 6 ECTS (a minimum of 180 hours of work per participant) and will be carried out in groups of at least two students. Due to their scope, group projects are more suitable for the third year of study.
Each such project must be documented in a written report and concluded with a presentation of the results.
Group work can originate from the group of students themselves or be offered by a professorship / institute. Please contact the relevant lecturers and consult the websites of the institutes.
The objectives of such projects are:
- understanding and practicing the methodology of project work and presentation;
- acquiring practical knowledge and skills;
- enabling and encouraging independent experimentation and design;
- enabling explorative learning.
In contrast to projects and theses during the master's programme, group projects at bachelor’s level must not necessarily achieve or exceed the state of the art in the respective research field.
It is possible to credit the D-MAVT Focus Projects (20 ECTS, 2 semesters) towards the category "Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars". Enrollment is possible only during the third year of studies, applications for the fall semester are possible in May.
More information on Focus Projects can be found on D-MAVTs website (only in German) and in the course catalogue under Programme: "Mechanical Engineering Bachelor", Section: "Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2022)", Subsection: "Focus Project".
The D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning (PBL) primarily focuses on creating, promoting and providing education and courses with projects and hands-on practice for bachelor's students, but also for Master's students. Many of the above offers are provided by PBL.