
D-ITET is a first-class educational institution where teaching is strongly linked to world-class research.

Our Bachelor's programme prepares for our Master's programme in electrical engineering and information technology. The goals and contents of these programs are summarized here.

In addition, we offer a number of interdisciplinary Master's programmes in collaboration with other departements of ETH. Doctoral studies lead to the forefront of research and push it further.

The following themes are distinctive throughout the curriculum:

  • physics, electrical engineering/electronics
  • digital circuits, computers, and computer science
  • theory of signals, systems, information, communication, and control.

In all of this, mathematics is essential.

The Bachelor's programme takes three years (6 semesters) to complete, and the Master's programme takes another 4 semesters. In the first two years, math and physics predominate. From the third year onward, there are many options, including a specialization in one of the following areas:

  • communications
  • computers and networks
  • electronics and photonics
  • energy and power electronics
  • signal processing and machine learning
  • systems and control

The Master's programme includes also 1-2 semester projects and finishes up with a Master's thesis of 6 months.

With a completed Bachelor's programme, you can also continue your studies in one of several interdisciplinary Master Programs.

Smartphones and supercomputers, hearing aids and electron microscopes, spacecrafts and industrial robots: they all contain lots of sophisticated electronics. With a combination of hardware and software, math and physics, imagination and business sense, electrical engineers create and bring to perfection the inner workings of so many "intelligent" things.

You will learn about electrical and magnetic fields, semiconductor physics and transistors, bits and bytes, integrated electronic circuits, the workings of smartphones, computers and the internet, antennas and wireless communications, control science, electrical motors, transmission of electrical energy, signal processing, audio and video technology, information theory and error correcting codes, and much more.
With these solid foundations, you will be able to go ahead and contribute to shaping the future - as a researcher, development engineer, manager, or entrepreneur.

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