Our faculty members are world-class experts who pursue pioneering work in electrical engineering. The professors at D-ITET are widely recognised as leaders in their fields, which range from electronics and photonics, information technology and communication to energy technology and biomedical engineering.
Prof. Morteza Aramesh

Cell instructive interfaces, nanopore sensors, single-cell profiling, biophysical regulation of immune cell behavior
Prof. Laura Bégon-Lours

Neuromorphic Devices, Artificial Synapses and Neurons, Nanofabrication, Functional Oxides, Ferroelectrics
Integrated Systems Laboratory
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Prof. Luca Benini

Autonomous driving, big data, brain machine interfaces, digitalization, embedded systems, industry 4.0, internet of things, low power design, machine learning
Integrated Systems Laboratory
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Prof. Jürgen Biela

Power electronics, energy technology, energy turnaround, accelerators
Laboratory for High Power Electronics Systems
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Prof. Helmut Bölcskei

Mathematical foundations of information science, machine learning theory, mathematical signal processing, data science
Chair for Mathematical Information Science
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Prof. Christian Franck

Electric power transmission technology, high voltage gaseous insulation systems, high voltage direct current transmission (HVDC), energy turnaround
High Voltage Laboratory
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Prof. Benjamin Grewe

Computation in neural circuits, learning algorithms in biological and artificial neuronal networks
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Prof. Ulrike Grossner

Design, optimization and manufacturing of power semiconductor devices, packaging for power semiconductors, performance and reliability
Advanced Power Semiconductor Laboratory
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Prof. Richard Hahnloser

Prof. Giacomo Indiveri

Mixed-signal electronic circuits for spiking neural networks and autonomous behaving agents
external page Institute of Neuroinformatics (Neuromorphic Cognitive Systems)
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Prof. Taekwang Jang

Circuits and systems for next generation computing platform
Integrated Systems Laboratory
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Prof. Lana Josipović

Electronic design automation, reconfigurable computing, high-level synthesis, compilers, digital circuits, computer architecture
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory
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Prof. Ender Konukoglu

Medical image computing, machine learning, personalized medicine
Computer Vision Laboratory
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Prof. Sebastian Kozerke

MR physics, signal processing, parametric imaging, metabolism, spectroscopy, experim. + clinical applications
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
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Prof. Amos Lapidoth

Digital communications, information theory
Signal and Information Processing Laboratory
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Prof. Juerg Leuthold

Optical, THz and microwave communications, electromagnetic field simulation and research
Institute of Electromagnetic Fields
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Prof. Hans-Andrea Loeliger

Signal processing, machine learning, information theory, error correcting codes
Signal and Information Processing Laboratory
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Prof. Mathieu Luisier

Electronics, nanoelectronics, transistors, Moore's law, high-performance computing, nanoscale devices
Integrated Systems Laboratory
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Prof. Valerio Mante

Behavioral and neural mechanisms of learning and cognition, computational neuroscience, machine learning, data science.
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Prof. Lukas Novotny

Photonics, sensing, nano optics, optomechanics
Photonics Laboratory
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Prof. Mickaël Perrin

Low-dimensional quantum electronics, quantum heat engines, machine learning
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Prof. Klaas Prüssmann

Magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear magnetism, radio frequency detection, signal processing, image reconstruction, device development, radiology
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
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Prof. Daniel Razansky

High performance functional and molecular imaging
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
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Prof. Kaveh Razavi

Systems security, hardware security, computer systems, operating systems
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory
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Prof. Marco Stampanoni

Imaging technologies using X-ray and synchrotron radiation, tomographic microscopy, medical imaging
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
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Prof. Klaas Enno Stephan

Translational neuromodelling and computational psychiatry, mathematical models of neuronal circuits and individual disease mechanisms
Institute for Biomedical Engineering
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Prof. Christoph Studer

Microelectronics, digital circuits, wireless communications, signal processing, machine learning
Integrated Systems Laboratory
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Prof. Laurent Vanbever

Internet, routing, networking, software defined networking, new internet architecture, blockchain
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory
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Prof. Roger Wattenhofer

Distributed systems, positioning systems, wireless networks, mobile systems, social networks, blockchain
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory
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Prof. Vanessa Wood

Energy turnaround, electric mobility, production/manufacturing processes, big data, materials, physics
Institute for Electronics
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Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik

Neurotechnology, development of interfaces to brain for imaging, decoding, and manipulation of neuronal circuits
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