The Department
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The Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) includes 19 research laboratories with activities ranging from integrated circuits to computer networks, from wireless communications to signal processing, and from control theory to power electronics. In addition, we have strong research units in biomedical engineering and in neural information processing.
The D-ITET offers a Bachelor's/Master programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. We also offer several interdisciplinary Master's programmes.
The faculty of D-ITET consists of more than 40 professors supervising over 400 PhD students. The department is firmly committed to both basic research and applied research. Countless collaboration with industry are a matter of course. Beside the research laboratories (institutes), the D-ITET runs also a number of departmental services, such as the IT Support Group (ISG), the Microelectronics Design Centre a and the Mechanical workshop.
ETH Zurich
D-ITETGloriastrasse 35
8092 Zurich