D-ITET Netto Null Working Group

The D-ITET Netto Null Working Group was established with the common goal of achieving net zero within the department in terms of operational and mobility aspects, as well as promoting sustainability within the department.

We consist of professors, staff, PhD students and Mittelbau, industry and students from the D-ITET department. The professors in the group come from various institutes including HVL, PSL and ISL. The staff includes a communications and public relations representative from ETH Zurich and a member from human resources. PhD and Mittelbau students are from various departments including MWE and neuroinformatics. Most members are students at the D-ITET. Important contacts for relation are the head of department and ETH Sustainability.

For example, the group is exploring measures to promote sustainability in education such as offering more courses related to sustainability. A first implementation motivated by this aim included a launched P&S credited to Prof. Franck and Prof. Hug: "Erneuerbare Energien und Netto-Null-Emissions-Ziel in der Schweiz".

Furthermore, we target flight emission reduction measures and potentially being a service provider for sustainable technology at ETH.
The ETH Zurich has the goal of Net Zero GHG emissions by 2030. Progress is only moving slowly and therefore this group aims to implement projects first hand. As competences in the D-ITET cover a wide range of sustainability related issues, we have an opportunity but also a responsibility to tackle threatening problems such as the climate crises and biodiversity loss.

Ongoing projects include:

  • Offer more P&S courses related to sustainability
  • D-ITET as a service provider for sustainable technology at ETH
  • Flight emission reduction measures
  • Promote Sustainability in education

We are always happy for motivated people to join us to contribute to our projects or bring their own designs into the group.

If you want to get involved in any of the ongoing projects or have ideas of your own, feel free to contact

Main contact

Carl von Holly-Ponientzietz
  • ETL I 31.1
  • Detail page

Professur f. Komplexe Regelsysteme
Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich


Prof. Dr. Christian Franck
Full Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • ETL H 24.1
  • +41 44 632 47 62
  • Detail page

Inst. f. El. Energieübertragung
Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr.  Christian Franck
Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug
Full Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Deputy head of Dep. of Inform.Technol. Electrical Eng. / Head of Energy Science Center (ESC)
  • ETL G 26
  • +41 44 633 81 91
  • Detail page

Inst. f. El. Energieübertragung
Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr.  Gabriela Hug
Prof. Dr. Mathieu Luisier
Full Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • ETZ J 82
  • +41 44 632 53 33
  • Detail page

Institut für Integrierte Systeme
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich

Prof. Dr.  Mathieu Luisier
Reto Kreuzer
  • ETZ H 83
  • +41 44 632 08 15

Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zürich

Industry & Other

Benjamin Sawicki
  • ETL I 11
  • +41 44 632 87 32
  • Detail page

NFS Automation
Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

Benjamin Sawicki

Students D-ITET

Carl von Holly-Ponientzietz
  • ETL I 31.1
  • Detail page

Professur f. Komplexe Regelsysteme
Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

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