After the Doctoral Examination
Approval of the thesis by the first Department Conference after the doctoral examination
Deposit copies must be sent by mail to the doctoral administration office (HG FO 23.2) or dropped off at Campus Info within 3 months after the department conference:
- Two bound copies of your thesis. One copy must be signed by the supervisor on the front page. The candidate must provide both the examiner and co-examiner(s) with a bound copy.
- Doctoral students are obliged to upload the corresponding electronic file of the approved doctoral thesis onto ETH Library’s institutional repository, i.e. publishing it via the Research Collection.
If an electronic publication is not possible for copyright or patent-related reasons or due to ongoing applications at research funding institutions, the doctoral student can temporarily be released from the electronic publication obligation. More information: ETH Library
Important notes
- The doctoral degree (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) may be officially used only after confirmation of the graduation by the rector of ETH after the delivery of the required copies.
- The tuition fee is CHF 1500 and is charged only after enrolling for the doctoral examination (see Financial Matters).
If wished, printing of the thesis can be done through ETH Zurich Print + Publish.
Yasemin Tomaschett
Doctorate administration
Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik
ETZ H 85
Gloriastrasse 35
Links & Downloads
- chevron_right Upcoming meetings of the doctoral committee
- chevron_right Annual feedback form (PDF, 111 KB)
- chevron_right Code of Conduct
- chevron_right Respect campaign
- chevron_right Academic Calendar ETH
- external page call_made Career Center
- chevron_right Course catalogue
- chevron_right Doctoral administration office
- chevron_right Doctoral studies at ETH
- chevron_right myStudies
- chevron_right Welcome Center