Examination day
The signed originals of all expert’s reports must be available at the very latest at the beginning of the examination.
Proceeding of the doctoral examination at D-ITET
Doctoral examinations are always public. The chair of the examination has the power to refuse admission to members of the audience.
The examination takes at least one hour. The candidate makes a 20 minute presentation; the remaining time is available for questions of the examiner and co-examiners. The chair shall decide whether questions from the audience are allowed, these shall have no influence on the result of the examination.
Without the express approval of the chair filming, taking pictures and other disruptive activities are not permitted during the examination.
Members of the audience arriving late are generally not admitted to the examination.
(Provisions set by the Department Conference of April 13, 2005)
Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik
ETZ H 85
Gloriastrasse 35
Links & Downloads
- chevron_right Upcoming meetings of the doctoral committee
- Download vertical_align_bottom Annual feedback form (PDF, 111 KB)
- chevron_right Code of Conduct
- chevron_right Respect campaign
- chevron_right Academic Calendar ETH
- external page call_made Career Center
- chevron_right Course catalogue
- chevron_right Doctoral administration office
- chevron_right Doctoral studies at ETH
- chevron_right myStudies
- chevron_right Welcome Center