Doctoral Studies
As a doctoral student of D-ITET, you must meet certain requirements in to be admitted to the doctoral examination. You will find the relevant rules on this website and on that of the ETH.
More information on the Doctoral Program: the doctorate at ETH Zurich.
Doctoral Administration
Yasemin Tomaschett
ETZ H 85
Gloriastrasse 35
Links & Downloads
- chevron_right Upcoming meetings of the doctoral committee
- Download vertical_align_bottom Annual Status Conversation for Doctoral Studies (PDF, 463 KB)
- chevron_right Code of Conduct
- chevron_right Respect campaign
- chevron_right Academic Calendar ETH
- external page call_made Career Center
- chevron_right Course catalogue
- chevron_right Doctoral administration office
- chevron_right Doctoral studies at ETH
- chevron_right myStudies
- chevron_right Welcome Center