Aptitude Colloquium & Doctoral Plan
Second advisor
Doctoral students at ETH are supervised by at least two persons. The supervisor of the doctoral thesis and a second advisor. The second advisor must hold a doctoral degree. The supervisor notifies the D-ITET doctoral administration of the second supervisor as early as possible but in any case, no later than 10 days before the aptitude colloquium using Download this form (PDF, 223 KB).
Doctoral plan
The doctoral plan must be written within twelve months after enrolment. The research project forms the basis for the aptitude colloquium, which all doctoral students must complete before the end of the first year. More information can be found on the Rectorate's website.
Aptitude colloquium
Within twelve months after provisional admission, doctoral students defend their doctoral plan in an aptitude colloquium. In doing so, they prove they can assess the relevance of their research area and place it in the current context of scientific research.Passing the aptitude colloquium is a condition for definitive admission to the doctorate. The doctoral plan forms the basis for the aptitude colloquium and must be finalized when the AC is registered.
The aptitude colloquium is conducted by the aptitude committee, which is composed as follows:
- the chairperson (official Professor of ETH Zurich);
- the doctoral thesis supervisor;
- the second advisor
The doctoral students notify the doctoral committee of the date and the composition of the aptitude committee at least 10 days before the planned execution using the form for notification and execution of the aptitude colloquium.
Relevant for all doctoral students enrolled before 1.1.2022
Research plan
The research plan must be submitted by 31 December 2023. No further extensions will be approved. More information can be found on the Rectorate's website.
Doctoral Administration
ETH Zurich
Gloriastrasse 35