ECTS credits & Learning Agreement

Acquiring credit points (ECTS)

During the doctoral program, at least 12 credit points ECTS must be earned in the following three areas (1 ECTS = 30h / min. 1 ECTS per area).

  • Subject specialization – Consolidation and extension of knowledge in or beyond the original discipline, e.g., through attendance of courses designed especially for doctoral students or regular master's degree courses.
  • Acquisition of transferable skills, e.g., soft-skill courses or through participation in ETH Zurich boards and committees, 1 cp ECTS in ethics and good scientific practice is mandatory.
  • Integration into the scientific community, e.g., by attending international conferences.

Further information on the how to acquire these 12 ECTS credit points can be found in the implementation provisions for the ordinance of the doctorate.

The D-ITET will only transfer external credit points to the student's diploma that have been obtained at a university, communicated through official channels/documents by that university and agreed upon with the supervisor in the learning agreement (see below).
For other activities, agreed upon with the supervisor, special units (900-0100-DRL etc.) are available in the course catalogue.

For additional information regarding credit point requirement during doctoral studies, please visit the website of ETH.

Learning Agreement

All doctoral students having joined the D-ITET doctoral studies after December 31, 2021, must agree with their supervisor on the courses to be taken during doctoral studies.

This agreement is formalized as the "learning agreement" in myStudies which the student submits to the supervisor for approval. A valid learning agreement is required no later than one year after the start of the doctorate.

Further information and instructions can be found Download here (PDF, 321 KB).

Relevant for all doctoral students enrolled before 1.1.2022

Acquiring credit points (ECTS)

12 is the minimum number of credits, as prescribed in the Ordinance on the Doctorate.

As a rule, only courses at Master's or doctorate level are creditable.

Passing the performance assessment that is part of the course is a prerequisite for the acquisition of credit points. (The attestation is not sufficient.)
The supervisor can also award credit points for participation in summer schools or similar. Please consult the Doctoral Administration of the D-​ITET for this purpose (ETZ H 87).

Confirmation of credit points

A confirmation, that you have obtained enough credit points during your doctoral studies, is mandatory when registering for the doctoral examination.
We strongly recommend clearing this step as soon as you have obtained the necessary 12 ECTS credit points (see below).
Asking for confirmation of these credit points close to the defense date is at your own risk. Please contact the doctoral administration of D-​ITET (ETZ H 85) for any further questions.

Doctoral Administration

Yasemin Tomaschett
Doctoral Administration
  • +41 44 632 33 36

ETH Zurich
Gloriastrasse 35
H 85
8092 Zurich

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