Info events on Master Programs: presentations

The info events on the Master Programs "Biomedical Engineering" and "Energy Science and Technology" take place this week.
Paper by Morteza Aramesh published in Nature Communications

The paper titled “Superplastic nanoscale pore shaping by ion irradiation” by Morteza Aramesh, Marie-Curie fellow and Postdoc at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, has been published in Nature Communications.
Inventor of Low Power GPS Receiver Manuel Eichelberger on ETH News for Industry

Manuel Eichelberger, doctoral student in the Distributed Computing Group, invented a miniature GPS receiver, which is light and low in energy consumption and therefore ideal for mobile usage. In an interview for the ETH News for Industry he gave interesting insights into the development and future of his product.
Simon Gross wins Hans Eggenberger Award

Simon Gross, researcher and former doctoral student at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, wins the Hans Eggenberger Award 2017 for his doctoral thesis „Advances in High-Field NMR Magnetometry“.
Prof. Vanessa Wood receives Outstanding Young Investigator Award

The Outstanding Young Investigator Award is a prize, awarded by the Materials Research Society. It recognizes exceptional, interdisciplinary scientific work in the field of materials science by a young scientist who also shows excellent promise as a developing leader in the materials research community.
New Department Management

D-ITET is happy to present the new Department Management! As of 1 February 2018 Prof. Vanessa Wood is the new Head of Department with Prof. Klaas Enno Stephan as new Deputy Head of Department. Prof. Juerg Leuthold remains Director of Studies.