MEST 10 year celebration - video and photos now available

In May 2018 the MEST programme celebrated 10 successful years since its first students graduated. The celebration was held in Zurich with former and past faculty, students and friends of the programme.

by Stefanie Pfennigbauer
Enlarged view: ETH Rector Prof. Sarah Springman, former MEST Programme Director Prof. em. Göran Andersson, current MEST Programme Director Prof. Christian Franck and MEST Programme Coordinatior Dr. Christian Schaffner
ETH Rector Prof. Sarah Springman, former and current MEST Programme Director Prof. em. Göran Andersson and Prof. Christian Franck and MEST Programme Coordinator Dr. Christian Schaffner

The welcome address was given by Dr. Sarah Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich, stressing the importance of sustainability in our society and the role played by the MEST programme in training future energy experts.

At the event, the former and current heads of the programme Prof. em. Göran Andersson and Prof. Christian Franck outlined the drivers for MEST's initial establishment and further improvements. Two alumnae, Dona Mountori & Eva Kaffee, who are now working for ewz (a major Zurich energy provider) gave insights into their careers.

Please find below the link to the news on the MEST website (including Youtube video).

News "10 year celebration" of MEST


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