New modulator for less energy consumption

To bring down the energy consumption of today’s communication infrastructure, researchers from the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields developed a new component that efficiently transforms electrical data into optical light signals consuming extremely little energy. This new technology, described in a paper recently published in Nature Communications, can be used to transfer ever-growing amounts of information between cities, datacenters and even continents.
New Adjunct Professor at INI

On 1 March 2019, PD Dr. Shih-Chii Liu from the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, has been appointed adjunct professor at the University of Zurich.
D-ITET's guitar geeks exchange ideas

On May 24, Hannes Dillinger and Robbert van Gorkum from the Institute for Biomedical Engineering talked to Jonas Nann, a student at MNG Rämibühl, about his work "Thermionic Valves and Guitar Amplification" at the exhibition of Matura theses in the ETH main hall. An interview about Jonas' Matura thesis and his choice of studies for the coming autumn semester.
Student group from Lucerne enthousiastic about the maths behind AI

On 22 May, a group of students from Kantonsschule Alpenquai (LU) came to visit D-ITET during a "technology week" organised by the association IngCH. In addition to an introduction to the bachelor's programme, the visit included a lecture by Prof. Helmut Bölcskei and a stopover at the CrazyFlies drones of the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA).
Specializations at D-ITET and Student meets lab

The events "Vertiefungsrichtungen am D-ITET" and "Student meets Lab" took place on 15 May 2019.
Best Paper Award and Best Demo Award for Romain Jacob

Romain Jacob, doctoral student at the Computer Engineering Group, receives the Best Paper Award and Best Demo Award from the ICCPS and IPSN conferences.
Inaugural Lecture Prof. Taekwang Jang: Video now online

On 6 May 2019, Prof. Taekwang Jang, head of the the Energy Efficient Circuits and IoT Systems Group at D-ITET, held his inaugural lecture on the topic of "Millimeter-scale computers as the next generation computing class for Internet-of-Everything". Did you miss it? You can re-watch the entire lecture online.
SOLA run 2019: High Voltage ALUMNI & Friends Team in 50th place

We are proud to announce that the High Voltage ALUMNI & Friends Team finished SOLA Stafette Competition in 50th place (out of 1000)!