Student group from Lucerne enthousiastic about the maths behind AI
On 22 May, a group of students from Kantonsschule Alpenquai (LU) came to visit D-ITET during a "technology week" organised by the association IngCH. In addition to an introduction to the bachelor's programme, the visit included a lecture by Prof. Helmut Bölcskei and a stopover at the CrazyFlies drones of the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA).
After an introduction to the Bachelor's programme by Master's student Yvan Bosshard, the 26 students, specialised in mathematics and physics, enjoyed the exciting lecture "The mathematics behind artificial intelligence" by Prof. Helmut Bölckskei. The fascination for machine intelligence and neuronal networks was so great among the students that Prof. Bölckskei saw himself surrounded after the lecture by students who stormed him with questions he willingly answered.
At the end of the visit, Paul Beuchat, PhD student at the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA) and Yvan Bosshard told the group more about the basics of control engineering and the students could practice controlling the lively buzzing mini drones CrazyFlies themselves.