First all-metamaterial, integrated gas sensor developed at D-ITET

The simple, low-power sensor is ideal for "Internet of Things" and smart home devices. It is enabled by specially engineered synthetic materials known as metamaterials, has no moving parts and is among the smallest NDIR sensors ever created. Authors of the paper "Ultra-Compact All-Metamaterial NDIR CO2 Sensor" are Alexander Lochbaum, Yuriy Fedoryshyn, and Juerg Leuthold from the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF).

by Katja Abrahams-Lehner
The miniature all-metamaterial optical gas sensor (golden capsule) next to a one-cent coin
The miniature all-metamaterial optical gas sensor (golden capsule) next to a one-cent coin

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external page Article (ScienceDaily)

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