Master's Graduation Ceremony at D-ITET held online for the first time

Due to the Corona pandemic, this year's D-ITET Master's Ceremony was held online via livestream from Audimax on 26 June 2020. Around 130 graduates of the Master's programmes in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Biomedical Engineering and Energy Science and Technology watched the first online Master's celebration at ETH Zurich together with family and friends.
Transistors of the future

Two-dimensional materials have been the focus of materials research in recent years as they could be used to build tiny, high-performance transistors. The research group of Prof. Mathieu Luisier at the Institute for Integrated Systems and a team from EPF Lausanne have now simulated and evaluated one hundred possible materials for this purpose and discovered 13 promising candidates.
Dr. Krish Sankaran has won the Mission Innovation Champion Award

Dr. Krishnaswamy Sankaran, a Swiss citizen of Indian origin based in Finland and D-ITET doctoral graduate, has won the prestigious Mission Innovation Champion Award. He was earlier nominated by the Government of Finland for this Prize.
New "D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning" now online

We are happy to announce that the website of the new D-ITET Center for Project-Based Learning, headed by Dr. Michele Magno, is now online. The center will primarily focus on creating, promoting and providing education and courses with projects and hands-on practice for Bachelor's students, but also for Master's students.
Welcome at D-ITET!

As of 1 June 2020, Prof. Christoph Studer has started as Associate Professor of Integrated Information Processing.
Welcome at D-ITET!

As of 1 June 2020, Prof. Kaveh Razavi has started as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Secure Systems Engineering.