Master in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (MSc ITET)

The Master in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (MSc EEIT) is the main Master's Programme of our department. The programme is the normal continuation of our Bachelor's programme and is therefore also called the "Consecutive Master's programme". It is a full-time study programme for 4 semesters. The language of instruction is English.
In addition, we offer interdisciplinary Master's Programmes in collaboration with other departments of ETH Zurich.
The Master's Programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology consists of courses, one or two semester projects, and a Master's thesis. The courses and the semester project(s) are usually completed in three semesters. The Master's thesis takes additional six months (full-time). At least 120 credit points (ECTS), according to the 2018 regulations (or 90 credit points (ECTS), according to the 2008 regulations) must be acquired.
All students joining D-ITET for the first time at the Master's level will follow the new programme. Students from ETH's Bachelor's Programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology under the 2012/2016 study regulations (usually started before fall 2018) will be able to choose between the current and the new programme.
Each student has a tutor, who helps with the selection of courses. Each student must find a tutor and submit the Download Learning Agreement Form (PDF, 443 KB) no later than four weeks after the beginning of the first semester.
Note that most of the examinations take place in January/February and in August (between semesters). For further information see also the website of ETH Academic Services.
The courses permit a specialisation, but they can be selected rather freely. A typical full-size course gives 6 credit points. The courses and their credit points are listed in the course catalogue.
- Under the 2008 regulations, students must obtain at least 42 credits from Major Courses.
- Under the 2018 regulations, students must obtain at least 24 points in Core Courses and 40 points in Specialization Courses. Beyond these mandatory 64 credits, in alternative to either a semester project or an internship in industry, students may choose 12 credits of electives. Please discuss with your tutor.
- Under both regulations at least 2 credit points must be obtained by courses from the Department of Human, Social, and Political Sciences (D-GESS), see the course catalogue (under "Master Programme", section "GESS Science in Perspective"; several pages). These courses are not part of the Learning Agreement.
A semester project should take about half of a student‘s time during one semester. (It is possible to do a semester project in 7 weeks full-time outside a semester, but this is not recommended.) The individual Laboratories of the Department offer the projects.
- Under the 2008 regulations, students must complete two semester projects (8 credit points each until Spring Semester 2018 / 12 credit points each from Fall Semester 2018).
- Under the 2018 regulations, students must complete one semester project (12 credit points). As an alternative to either more courses (electives) or an internship in industry, doing a second semester project is possible (please discuss with your tutor).
An internship in industry can be added to the curriculum. The internship is not mandatory but can be chosen in alternative to more courses (electives) or a second semester project. We recommend it to students that have no previous experience in industry. Please discuss this with your tutor.
The internship can be completed during the Master's studies or during a gap semester/year before entering the Master's programme.
The internship must have a duration of no fewer than 12 weeks, should be primarily technical and is typically carried out in an industrial company. In exceptional cases and upon agreement by the Director of Studies, the internship may be held at a research institution (inside or outside ETH).
Upon successful completion, 12 credits can be obtained for the internship. Please contact D-ITET's student administration.
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