Humanities and Social Sciences (GESS)
During the course of Bachelor studies, students are required to obtain 6 credits from the field of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (GESS). These courses are designed to enhance the students' ability to locate and critically question the knowledge acquired during their studies from various social perspectives. These courses can be taken during any semester of the Bachelor studies; however, they are generally attended in the fifth and sixth semester.

A list of currently available GESS-courses can be found in the course catalog (see "Programme": GESS "Science in Perspective").
Answers to frequently asked questions about the Science in Perspective / Science in Context course program can be found on this website.
Other Electives
In principle, students are free to attend courses from the entire range offered by ETH Zurich. Laboratory Courses, Projects, Seminars are an exception.
A minimum of 6 credits must be obtained in this category.
Please contact D-ITET's study advisor in case of doubt.
A list of recommended electives can be found in the course catalog (under "Programme": Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Bachelor; "Section": Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2012); "Subsection": Electives).
It is also possible and indeed recommended to attend even more core courses, or courses from the Bachelor's degree programme in computer science or other relevant fields.