Student Contacts

Student Administration Office

D-ITET, Building ETZ, Room H 85
Gloriastrasse 35
8092 Zuerich
Tel. 044 632 50 03 (in urgent cases)

Opening hours:

During the semester:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9.30 – 12.00 and 13.30 – 15.30

During semester break:

Tuesday, Thursday from 9.30 – 12.00 and 13.30 – 15.30

We are happy to answer your questions by e-mail from Monday to Friday.

Your points of contact

Andrea Salow and Tali Scheiner

Tali Scheiner, ETZ H 85
Tali Scheiner is responsible for all study-related administrative questions in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes.

Email: info(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 50 03

Reto Kreuzer

Reto Kreuzer, ETZ H 83: Coordinator of studies, study advisor
He is the head of the student administration and manages everything concerning our students, particularly student exchanges, student counselling, curricula questions and regulations. He assists the Teaching Commission. He also has the following roles: 

  • Student advisor D-ITET
  • Student Exchange Coordinator D-ITET
  • Programme responsible MSc EEIT

Email: reto.kreuzer(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 08 15
Consultation on appointment through E-Mail

Audrey Djouadi

Audrey Djouadi, ETZ H 87: Study coordination and scheduling
She supports the coordinator of studies in his tasks and is in charge of class schedules and teaching assignments. She is a mobility advisor and organizes study-related events for students.
Email: audrey.djouadi(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 89 57
Office days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Yasemin Tomaschett

Yasemin Tomaschett, ETZ H 85: Doctoral administration / Class scheduling
She is in charge of doctoral administration.
Email: doktorat(at) or yasemin.tomaschett(at)
Tel: +41 44 632 33 36
Office days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Contact Points A-Z

Administrative Concerns: or

Application and Registration: Admission to Bachelor's degree programmes

Certificates and Confirmation of Studies: , ETZ H85

Changing Degree Programme: Bachelor, Master

Complaints (concerning marks, exams, etc.): , ETZ H83

Doctoral Studies: , ETZ H85

Female Students: LIMES

Holiday Semester: Mystudies

Industry Internship: , ETZ H85

Military: , ETZ H85, external page Gesuch um Dienstverschiebung (see "Dienstverschiebungsformular für den AdA im Studium")

Language Courses: external page Language Center of University of Zurich and ETH Zurich

Project and seminars (P&S): , ETZ H85

Problems during studies: , ETZ H83

Request to issue the degree: , ETZ H85

Student Advisory Service: , ETZ H83

Student Exchange: , ETZ H83

Student Representation in departmental conferences/commissions: AMIV

VMITET HelpDesk: VMITET Website

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