Prof. em. Dr. George Moschytz

Prof. em. Dr. George Moschytz
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
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George S. Moschytz was Full Professor of Telecommunications and director of the Institute of Signal and Information Processing at the ETH Zurich, beginning in 1973. He retired in October 1999.
From both Zurich and the USA, he was born on April 18, 1934 and studied at the ETH Zurich, graduating in 1958. From then until receiving his doctorate ( in 1960 he was scientific assistant at the Institute of Telecommunications. He then worked until 1962 in research and development at RCA Laboratories, Zurich. From 1963 he worked for Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, N.J., USA, as supervisor in the department of data transmission, and gave further training course lectures at various American universities. He is the author of four books and numerous scientific articles in the area of network theory, sensitivity and filter theory, and the holder of several patents. His interests: Analog and digital signal processing for communications systems, hearing aids, and other medical applications (e.g. EMG analysis).