Prof. em. Dr. Alessandro Birolini

Prof. em. Dr. Alessandro Birolini
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Additional information
Alessandro Birolini (born 1940 in Lugano, Switzerland) is Professor Emeritus of Reliability Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH). After his Dipl. Ing. HTL, Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH, Ph.D. (ETH), and 15 years industrial experience (of which 4 years he was in charge of setting up the Swiss Test Lab. for VLSI ICs in Neuchâtel), from 1986 to 1998 he was Professor and head of the Reliability Laboratory at the ETH (Full Professor since 1992, Lecturer since 1975).
His research field include fault tolerant systems with hardware and software, stochastic processes for reliability theory, test & screening strategies, and failure mechanisms. He has also been involved in an effective cooperation with 30 large and medium industries for over 10 years [Quality Eng. 8(1996)4 pp. 659-674].
He is author of more than 40 research & tutorial papers as well as of several monographs and books, among which the habilitation thesis On the Use of Stochastic Processes in Modeling Reliability Problems (Springer 1985) and the book Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice (Springer, 4th Ed. 2004, 1st Ed. 1994, 1st German Ed. 1985, 4th German Ed. 1997).
Achievements include a new approach to compute the transition probabilities for Markov, semi-Markov & semi-regenerative processes and the development of approximate expressions for the reliability and availability of complex fault tolerant systems.
Alessandro Birolini is Life Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, Honorary Member of the Romania Academy of Sciences, Senior Member of the IEEE, Recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal, and was President of the Swiss Information Technology Society and Chairman of the IEEE Switzerland Section as well as Founder and Chairman of the IEEE Switzerland Reliability Chapter.