Die Onur Mutlu Lectures erhielten einen Google Open Source Peer Bonus

Das Team hinter den Onur Mutlu Lectures hat einen Google Open Source Peer Bonus als Anerkennung für seine wertvollen Beiträge zu seinem YouTube-Kanal erhalten. Das D-ITET beglückwünscht sie für ihre fleissigen Bemühungen bei der Erstellung, Bearbeitung und dem Hochladen von Videos, die einen stetigen Strom von ausgezeichneten Inhalten gewährleisten.

von Anna Samoylenko
Google Open Source Peer Bonus

About the Google Peer Bonus

The Google Open Source Peer Bonus acknowledges both individuals and teams who have made outstanding contributions to open source software. While the focus has traditionally been on developers, Google encourages its employees to nominate contributors who have made a significant impact. The recently announced 2023 winners were chosen based on the impact of their contributions, the quality of their work, and their commitment to open source. These winners encompass a variety of open source projects, showcasing a wide range of domains, technologies, and communities.

About Onur Mutlu Lectures

From its establishment in April 2017, the Our Mutlu Lectures channel has amassed over 1.000 videos, gained more than 33.000 subscribers, and received over 2.5 million views. The current channel builds upon the foundation of the previous channel, which originated in 2012 at CMU (Carnegie Mellon Computer Architecture), maintaining its legacy. The team behind the channel strongly support the unrestricted dissemination of educational and research materials, and they are dedicated to making education accessible to all by regularly uploading course lectures and informative videos online.

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