First and Second Year
During the first two years of study, we lay the foundations in mathematics and physics, computer science, electrical engineering/electronics, and signal and system theory. All courses (lectures, exercises and laboratory courses) are mandatory.
From the second year on, students are free to choose from a variety of laboratory courses, projects and seminars with a practical focus.
Since fall 2016, the first-year examinations have been taking place in two blocks. Block A (consisting only of fall semester courses) takes place in winter, after the first semester. Block B (mainly spring semester courses, including two fall semester courses) takes place in summer, after the second semester.
The courses in the second year of study are assessed in three examination blocks. Typically, the first of these is taken after the fall semester in the winter, and the other two blocks are taken after the spring semester in the summer of the second year of study.
See the regulations 2018 for the Bachelor program (in German).