Projects and Master's Thesis
Master's students are required to complete one (2018 regulations) or two (2008 regulations) semester projects and one Master's thesis. The projects and the thesis are supervised by a professor of the Department (including adjunct professors) or by a Download professor associated (PDF, 146 KB) with the Department. Most projects are carried out under the guidance of, and in close contact with, a PhD student of the supervising professor. If two semester projects are carried out, to broaden your horizon, they should be carried out with two different professors.
Semester projects
A semester project should take about half of a student‘s time during one semester, i.e., about 300 to 400 hours has a duration of 14 weeks. It is possible to do a semester project in 7 weeks full-time outside a semester, but it is not recommended. The project includes an oral presentation and a written report, and it is graded. Before starting, the project must be registered in mystudies ("Projects/papers/theses").
Master's thesis
The Master's degree programme concludes with a Master's thesis that lasts six months. The project includes an oral presentation and a written report (the Master's thesis), and it is graded. Before starting the project, the Master's thesis must be registered in mystudies ("Projects/papers/theses"). You will be admitted to the Master's thesis only if both semester projects (2008 regulations) are or one semester project (2018 regulations) is successfully completed.
Once the Master's thesis is successfully finished and all credits are obtained, students may request their diploma.
Information: Publication of Master Thesis in the Research Collection
Students have the possibility of publishing their master theses in the Research Collection. To publish master theses in the Research Collection, a letter of recommendation from the respective supervisor is needed. You can find further information on the webpage.
Semester project, Bachelor's and Master's theses offers at D-ITET:
If projects are taken, sometimes related projects may be available. Often, labs are willing to customize a project to match the students' interests. Many labs welcome students' own ideas for projects.
Below an overview of labs offering semester project and Master's thesis by specialisation:
For further ITET projects see external page SiROP website.